Custom Images on LCD

Anything about GOverlay and the devices supported

Custom Images on LCD

Postby HatManSan » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:03 pm

Hi All,

I see many configs that have custom graphics. I have created my own graphics but I cannot for the life of me figure how to use them. I feel like an ass. This is supposed to be really simple. I have seen information about a so called Image Uploader. Never found it to download though!! So my question is simple. For example I want my own graphic around info for CPU cores. Or HDD info etc. Been trying this for nearly five hours. I got nothing.

Would someone mind telling me please. Also I have not seen hide nor hair of a full manual??


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Re: Custom Images on LCD

Postby TheLaGmAn » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:19 pm

You are using GOverlay right? Because this is not compatible with the regular LCDSysInfo for Python that has its own software and an image uploader.

In GOverlay go to the LCDSySInfo Tab and then into the "Upload Files" tab.
In there you have the icons to upload, for them to appear on the list just copy a .JPG to your GOverlayFolder\LCDSysInfoImages\ but copy them with the following name
Code: Select all

The only important part in there is the "400.", that will specify on which location to upload the image (in this case, location 400) and in GOverlay when clicking in that file you will see up to what number it will use, could be "400 to 401", "400 to 430", "400 to 400", "400 to 415" , etc, so you know that another image you can not upload between those numbers. Then hit on upload selected files so the image uploads to the device.

Once uploaded just use this number with the ICON element.

You have a long review of the use of the program made by an user here if this helps you better
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Re: Custom Images on LCD

Postby HatManSan » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:32 pm

Now that is what I am talking about. Thank you for taking the time out to post this info for me. I am watching the video now.

Thanks again The LaGmAn

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