Problem with a 2.8 not detecting, flashing Blue LED on side.

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Problem with a 2.8 not detecting, flashing Blue LED on side.

Postby Taurondir » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:47 am

I had a 2.8, later got a 3.5, put the 2.8 back in its box.
Friend saw my 3.5, wanted one, told him I'd give him my 2.8 to play with.

Connected the 2.8 on the same cable that was working with the 3.5 to set it back up and make him a custom screen to save the guy time learning the GUI,
and when I connected it, my PC did not pick a new device. Tried it on another PC that never had the device or the drivers, window does not pick
up any new devices there either. Connected the 3.5 on the new PC, got it working in under a minute, 2.8 still does not get detected.

Current behavior:

1) When the 2.8 is connected on USB, nothing at all appears on the screen. The 3.5 instantly gives you a "welcome menu" saying "you need GOverlay, so go get it"
while the 2.8 screen is just BLANK all the entire time time, and I seem to remember that it ALSO used to show a splash message on powerup, but not doing it now.
2) When I connect the cable, what I assume is a small Blue LED inside the unit is blinking (I can see it near the usb plug), and it has a pattern, it's blink-blink-pause, blink-blink-pause.
Is the "double blink" some sort of internal error code? Anyone know what the code is? Is it "ha ha, I'm broken screw you buddy" because that's my current guess.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Problem with a 2.8 not detecting, flashing Blue LED on s

Postby TheLaGmAn » Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:03 pm

clearly the unit should turn on the screen, can you try with a different cable even if that one works with the current computer+lcd3.5?
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Re: Problem with a 2.8 not detecting, flashing Blue LED on s

Postby Taurondir » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:03 pm

I have tried two others. Both of those cables can connect to an older phone I have,
and can both charge and allow me to get to the photos inside the phone, so they are
all fine.

Unfortunately the result on the 2.8 is the same. No display, and the flashing side light.

I am honestly scratching my head on this one because it was just put back in a box for a
couple of months, and not touched or moved. Just unlucky I guess. I mean, it's not a big
deal, as it would have prob sat in that box for years otherwise, it's just head scratching

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Re: Problem with a 2.8 not detecting, flashing Blue LED on s

Postby TheLaGmAn » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:48 pm

i contacted the manufacturer and he says that the behavior with the leds indicated a lcd panel issue, maybe check if you see any damage around by opening the device case
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